Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Trafficked post #2

How do you relate to the text?

  • This book tells the story of a young, teenage girl who seeks to leave her country to come to America for freedom and hopes of a better life. Unfortunately, this girl is placed in the wrong home.When she leaves her country, she is told that she will have nothing but positive experiences. This is not the case. She is placed in a family that plans to place her into human trafficking. She will be used and seen only as a sexual object, instead of as a human being with thoughts and feelings. She is lied to and manipulated. Hannah looked forward to having a new life. Teenage girls are often taken advantage of. Because they are right in the middle of being a child and being an adult, they are easily mislead and confused about many aspects of life. It is very easy for someone older to take advantage of a young girl because they look up to people who have been there done that. If, by mistake, like Hannah did, a teen girl looks up to the wrong person mistakenly, negative things will happen. Hannah believed and trusted her social worker, and her host family to help her on her journey to creating a better life. I relate to Hannah because I, myself, am a teenage girl. I know what it is like to feel lost and to look to someone else for help and protection. I also know what it is like to be mislead and manipulated by people you trusted whole-heartedly. Although I have never quite been in the same situation as Hannah is in, the general ideas are still the same. Hannah and myself have been vulnerable in tough situations that no one else wants to go through. I know what it feels like to what to be free and just want to live a happy life doing what you love. Like Hannah, everyone in the world hits speed bumps sometimes on the journey. I do not relate because I have never been trafficked, I have never left my country and gone to a different one, and I have learned never to trust strangers. 

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