Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Comparing Hannah and Hannah

To the eye, there is not much in common between the two books 13 Reasons Why and Trafficked. Thirteen Reasons Why is about a young girl who is caught up in high school and is bullied severely. Her bullying results in her suicide and the production of 13 tapes to those who contributed to her death. Trafficked is completely different. Trafficked is about a girl who dreams of getting out of her country to explore the wonderful opportunities that America has to offer. She does indeed follow her dreams and gets out and into the United States. Unfortunately, because of the evil in others, she lands herself in a bad position. She is put into a house with a family that is in touch with a man who handles sex or drug trafficking of young, vulnerable girls who are uneducated about the business. These girls are easy targets because they are willing to do whatever it takes to get citizenship in the United States. They are also unaware of the evil that awaits them. I could list countless ways that these books differ, but instead I will list the ways they are similar. Both books are about a young girl, around 15-17 years old, who face difficulties in their lives. Each girl is vulnerable and innocent to the evil that lurks around them. In a way, the two girls are alike. Hannah Baker (13RW) is a young girl who is just trying to find her place in high school and find out who she is. Hannah (Trafficked) is a young girl who is just trying to find her place in this world. She knows where she belongs and that is not in her home country. They are also alike because they each face terrible mistreatment of others. Hannah Baker is bullied by her classmates and adults in her town. She tries her best not to be in bad situation, but her innocence always seems to lead her down the wrong path because she is so naive. She tries to reach out, but no one will listen to her. In Trafficked, Hannah is also mistreated by the people she is around. The social worker she worked with to get into the United States mislead her and made her believe she would be taken care of and safe. Unfortunately for Hannah, this was not the case. She was lied to and manipulated into believing otherwise. If Hannah had known the situation she was getting into, she would not have gone through with it. Also, Hannah is mistreated by the family she is put with. She is treated like an animal instead of a human being. She is also abused by the pimp who handles her trafficking. All the while these girls differ more than they are similar, these reasons as to why they are similar are enough to draw the reader in. I loved how different they were but also loved how they could relate too. If either one were not mistreated, they would be happy individuals instead of unhappy or dead.

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