Monday, January 6, 2014

Breaking Dawn Post #2

*What was your favorite part of the book? What was your least favorite part? Did anything unexpected occur?

- My favorite part of the book Breaking Dawn was when Bella and Edward get married and eventually have their child. Their wedding is perfect, just as every girl wishes it to be. Edward and Bella are a favorite of mine on their own. Their love is definitely fairytale and imaginitive, but it interests the reader. Its the perfect fantasy; a handsome vampire and an innocent, awkward girl who fall inlove, get married and have a baby. In this book, they get married and have their child. What made me love this part so much was that it, again, went against the norms of society. Edward and Bella make love after their wedding. Unbeknownst to Bella, she ends up pregnant. This seems impossible because Edward is a vampire and should be incapable of producing offspring. As always, they defy all odds and Bella ends up pregnant. This scene is so emotional and makes the reader not want to put the book down. The marriage scene breaks into the romantic side of the reader, also causing them to veer away from putting down the book. My least favorite part of the book is all the drama between Jacob and Bella. I personally think that Jacob is so annoying and that he acts like hes a whiney female. He always seems to come in at the worst times and makes every situation worse. Something I did not expect to happen was Bella becoming pregnant. In the honeymoon seen, Edward shows his inhuman strength and other characteristics; therefore reinforcing the fact that he is not a human being. To be a vampire, you basically have to die. Dead people cannot reproduce. Its that simple. When she became pregnant, I was really surprised. Her pregnancy seemed to be the most painful, unappealing thing in the world. She was so sick and malnourished. When she survived giving birth to Renesmee, I was thrown for a loop. Then she was turned into a vampire, never to reproduce again.

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